

Special provisions are available to military personnel called to active duty while attending college. Options include (1) Full refund of tuition; (2) grade of incomplete with the opportunity to complete coursework through independent study or by retaking the course at no charge; or (3) a passing grade if warranted by coursework completed prior to departure.

符合 明尼苏达州法规197.775, students who are eligible and have applied for but not yet received veteran benefits are exempt from being charged a late fee. 的 law says: “A state college or university may not assess late 费用 or other late charges for 退伍军人 who are eligible to receive federal or state educational assistance and who have applied for that assistance but not yet received it, nor may they prevent these students from registering for a subsequent term because of outstanding tuition charges that arise from delayed federal or state payments.”

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will consider prior learning attained in non-credit or experiential settings such as the military. Credit will be awarded for prior learning that is assessed as college-level learning as it applies to your chosen program and degree. 请联系 咨询和辅导 如需进一步协助.

明尼苏达州的现役军人, 退伍军人, 他们的配偶和受抚养的子女按明尼苏达州的州内居民费率支付学费.

明尼苏达州立学院和大学考虑在认可的公立学校获得的学分, private and military colleges and will award transfer credit when courses from the accredited provider apply to your chosen program and degree. 请参阅有关 军事信贷转移 为退伍军人和军人准备的. 请联系 咨询和辅导 如需进一步协助.

Students who use Tuition Assistance (TA) are expected to remain enrolled in the course for its entire duration. 如果使用助教的学生退学或停止上课, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of the benefit that was originally authorized. 继续遵守国防部的政策, 皇冠hg2020app下载 will return any unearned TA funds through at least 60% mark of the course on a prorated basis. 的 amount of unearned TA that is returned is based on student-initiated date of withdrawal or last date of attendance noted by the instructor.


作为一个机构, we will bill the DOD after 60% of the course has passed to reduce the amount of incorrect TA funds being disbursed by the DOD to 皇冠hg2020app下载. 我们将只收取学生在入学时所获得的金额.


未赚取的助教资金将按比例返还, 取决于课程的长度和学生完成的课程数量.

To determine the amount of TA that needs to be returned the institution will determine the date the withdrawal or date of last attendance, count the number of days the student completed and then divide that by the total number of days in the course to determine the percentage of TA that was earned by the student.

示例:学生注册了一门课程,计划持续时间为30天. 撤回是在第14天提交的. 的 institution would perform the calculation to determine how much TA was earned by the student’s attendance:

14除以30等于46.6%. 47%的助教是由学生获得的, 这意味着53%的授权将返还给国防部)

示例:学生注册了一门课程,计划持续时间为120天. 撤回是在第34天提出的. 的 institution would perform the calculation to determine how much TA was earned by the student’s attendance:

34除以120等于28.3%. 28%的助教是由学生获得的, 这意味着72%的授权将返还给国防部)

如果学生完成了60%以上的课程, TA授权的全部金额被视为“赚取”,不需要退款.


的 大学的计分卡 is a consumer planning tool and resource to assist prospective students and their families as they evaluate options in selecting a school.

的 大学导航器 是一个提供学校学杂费信息的消费者工具吗, 留校率和毕业率, 财政援助的使用, 学生贷款违约率, 并设有成本计算器和学校比较工具.

大学融资计划 is a model financial aid award letter designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about college costs and financial aid so they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school. 有关个性化的大学理财计划,请登录 电子商务 输入StarID和密码,然后点击“助学金”链接.  皇冠hg2020app下载皇冠hg2020手机app下载学费的其他信息, 费用, 经济援助信息可以在我们的网站上找到 皇冠hg2020手机app下载.

的 支付大学学费 website contains a tool that can be used by prospective students to compare detailed financial information for up to three schools at a time. 该网站还包括有关金融援助和金融知识的一般信息.

服务人员的指定联络点是学术顾问奥塞尔莫·达席尔瓦. 可以联系到他 Othelmo.DaSilva@basilinfracon.com or 507-285-7566.

如果你正在接受学费援助(TA),并正在寻求获得残疾咨询, 请联系特拉维斯 Kromminga at 特拉维斯.kromminga@basilinfracon.com 或507-280-2968了解皇冠hg2020手机app下载的更多信息 残疾支援服务.


Minnesota state statutes 为退伍军人和军人准备的 inform the policy-making for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. 退伍军人和服役人员最感兴趣的法规如下:

明尼苏达州法规197.585 directs the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs and Minnesota’s public colleges and universities to collaborate on establishing the Higher Education Veterans Program.

明尼苏达州法规197.775 guides all Minnesota State Colleges and Universities in developing veteran and military-friendly policies on courses, 学费和延迟付款.

明尼苏达州法令第195条.502 specifies the minimum protections that public colleges and universities must provide to active duty military and 退伍军人 with a service-connected disability or related medical treatment when course participation is disrupted. 这些个人可以:(1)退学并获得学费退还, request an incomplete and finish coursework through independent study or by re-enrolling at a future date at no charge, 或获得C或更高的成绩,如果在出发前完成课程. (2)收取房费退款, 在缺席和参加现役或与服务有关的残疾期间的食宿费和费用. (3)在提供适当文件的情况下,以良好的成绩重新录取和重新入学,不受处罚. Class sessions the student misses due to performance of active military service or due to the person’s medical treatment or medical condition must be counted as excused absences and must not be used in any way to adversely impact the student’s grade or standing in the class.

皇冠hg2020app下载 and its employees adhere to system and State policy/statute regarding ethical behavior (see policy and 程序 links below).  该政策禁止接受礼物,并提供了利益冲突指导方针, 包括"利用你的职位获得公众无法获得的任何利益".  除了, 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 employees are required to complete the annual Code of Conduct Training for Minnesota State outlining ethical behavior and practices. 招聘人员和工作人员不得歪曲皇冠hg2020手机app下载, prohibited from using unethical or aggressive recruiting practice and also prohibited from accepting payment or incentive for taking part in those activities.

罗切斯特社区和技术学院也承诺并遵守 VA卓越原则.

所有这些政策, 程序, statutes and agreements above would prohibit the use of aggressive and dishonest recruiting tactics.


请联系 资深的服务 如需进一步协助或对上述政策有疑问,请致电.